Become A Better Candidate With These 3 Tips On Improving Your Skills and Knowledge
The ‘daily grind’ at work whilst balancing your personal and family life tends to make employees often forget an important aspect of their career – career development or career advancement. So developing ourselves should be important. here’s How To Be A Better Candidate With Tips On Improving Your Skills and Knowledge.
So what is career development, why and how should you go about improving yours?
Career Development involves improving on your current expertise to add value to an organisation and for the purpose of developing your own career advancement by way of gaining new skills and often additional relevant qualifications.
In the mining industry, with legislation and technological changes occurring all the time, opportunities of today require up to date skills and knowledge from its mining workforce. Also, improving one’s skills and knowledge is essential in achieving personal career advancement in mining industry. More importantly, through having a diverse set of skills it maintains one’s position within an intense competitive workforce environment
Employees are continually assessed at work in terms of performance, skill development and personality fit for the culture and the business circumstances. At times, they are compared to co-workers to gauge work performance and attitude, so in the mining industry where it is constantly changing and shifting, an individual can be more appealing if they are showing that they are personally willing to improve on their skill set and knowledge.
So now, how do you go about enhancing or improving your skills and knowledge that are needed in the mining industry today?
Let the expert in Mining Recruitment guide you with the following tips:
- Take Short Courses, Training and Certification
There are a lot of available short course, relevant industry inductions and training methods one can benefit from such as on-site training, simulation, group discussion, lectures, etc. Additional training or knowledge gives you an edge in marketing yourself and being able to land a job over the candidate competition. Currently, there are a lot of online courses you may choose from including sites on LinkedIn such as Lynda, through others including Thinkific and by RTO’s (Registered Training Organisations) relevant to the discipline and industry and this enables you to brand yourself better in the market.
- Make a Personal Assessment. Then Align Improvements With Personal Interests and Current Skill Demand
Personal Assessments in terms of personality and intelligence is essential to determine how you can enhance or improve your skills and knowledge. This can be done by rating yourself (ex: Rate from 1-5, how well do I know a particular mining process), you can interview peers or a supervisor (ex: Ask supervisor what they think about your job output and capabilities) or make a list of your current strengths and weaknesses. This helps figure out how you can improve yourself.
Before getting into a formal plan of action on improving your skills and knowledge (i.e., enroll in classes, mentoring, career coaching, etc.), check if your path to improvement is aligned with your interests and the current skill demand of the industry. For example, in our industry, you discovered the need to enhance your knowledge on Advanced Crushing and Grinding Technology. Before doing this course, ask yourself if this is something you would really want to pursue and will this make you become more hireable by employers.
- Be Consistent
“Consistent action creates consistent results” – Christine Kane
You may obtain the best short course and training or the most highly effective personal assessment test in the world, but if you as a person aren’t consistent in your initiatives to improve, then it can often be just a wasted effort. How many times have we individuals started a University course or a Qualification only to find out it really isn’t ‘them’?
Skills are always improved if the new knowledge is constantly utilised. Being consistent also enables a person to measure his or her effectiveness to improve themselves. So by showing some dedication to the cause and by being consistent, often you will see your career pathway benefit in so many ways, including new opportunities being presented, and promotions being on offer.
If you are not sure what your ‘Greatest Strengths’ are and how best to improve your career pathway, simply get in touch or click here and talk to an expert in Mining Recruitment and Consultancy.
Be A Better Candidate With Tips On Improving Your Skills and Knowledge Today!